We currently offer two main classes on Sunday mornings.
Adults – meet in the main auditorium and study a book of the Bible or topic together. The format is an open-discussion type, where we can ask questions, make comments or share additional Scriptures. Anyone is welcome to attend this class.
Children and Teens – right now we have a combined-ages class for both elementary and junior high. The class is currently studying the book of Exodus, while also working on projects for LTC (Leadership Training for Christ), such as service projects, puppet shows, Scripture reading, song-leading, and signing for the deaf. All kids elementary-age and higher are welcome to join us in class.
Nursery – there is a nursery room available for taking care of your precious baby or toddler during the worship service. We do not currently have a regular class right now, but if you are bringing a little one, we can arrange for a teacher to be present (Sunday mornings).
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6
Prayer – we pray together every week, as an expression of our love and gratitude to God, and as a way to bring our petitions to Him as the Body of Christ. If you have a prayer request, we will gladly receive it.
Singing – we sing and make melody from our hearts when we come together every week. We simply use our voices, as an act of praise & worship to our Lord. Different men in the congregation take turns leading the songs each week. Some songs are old, some are newer, and we have all the lyrics projected for everyone to sing together.
Lord’s Supper – we share the Lord’s Supper every Sunday morning, as Jesus instructed His followers to remember Him by eating the unleavened bread and drinking the fruit of the vine together.
Scripture Reading and Sermon – we love God’s Word. When you join us on Sunday morning, you’ll be uplifted by the power of the Bible and by a timely, encouraging lesson preached from God’s Word.
“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” – Matthew 18:20